December 21, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

7:11 pm – President, Sarah Arpin brought the meeting to order.

Attendees: Bob Roth, Sean Vanderhoff, Kevin Zachary, John Cassidy, Sarah Arpin, Phil Heavren, Preston Forsythe, Jeff Hamilton, Howard Kalnitz, Christian DeCelle, Pat Kambesis, Ben Tobin, Julie Roush, Rich Kline and Ken Bailey

Approve the previous month’s Meeting Minutes –
Howard Kalnitz made a motion to approve the November Minutes, and Jeff Hamilton seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report (John Cassidy) –
There are quite a few outstanding search fees.

Beginning Balance $x
Search Fees $ x
Interest Earned $ x
Ending Balance $x

Data Committee (Howard Kalnitz)
Christian DeCelle will be the new Chair of the Data Committee, and Howard will assist him.
Database Update
Annual Renewal of FileMaker is coming up, and it costs $1,700 for seven seats.
As of December 20th, the FileMaker Database is up-to-date, except for pending updates from Jeff Hamilton
Survey123 App needs to be re-launched using KSS email, and not Howard’s personal email.
A new GIS shape file will be issued soon. Stats as of the end of 2022:
Currently, there are 5,752 cave entrances – includes 56 “retired” numbers which are duplicates
There are 5,105 independent caves, and 652 (11%) cave names without locations
Transfer archives to KSS or start new (Howard) – Website and Google Suite
Decide how to proceed so that one person does not have control over the data

Membership Committee (Bob Roth)
The Membership Committee met on Monday, December 19th – in attendance were Bob, Sean, John & Ken. The focus of the meeting was to provide the most recently updated Membership List for the election.
Total Membership – 96
Six New Members
65 Life Members
9 are yearly memberships
17 memberships are past due
2 deceased members (Larry Peterson and Bob Gulden)
Looking forward
A “committee approach” to the Annual Report
Membership Outreach
Welcome Letters
Introduction Pack which includes KSS Initiatives & Events
Next event is “Winter Adventure Weekend” in Carter County
Pat was added to the Membership Committee

Annual Report (Bob Roth)
2020 Annual Report Update – Bob will meet with Chris on Monday, December 26th.
Release the current Annual Report as soon as possible, and date it for 2021
Annual Report (Bob Roth) – continued
In early 2023, release the 2022 Annual Report
Have several licenses for KSS to use software, so multiple people can use it and work on the Annual Report – committee approach. Pat suggested InDesign.

Old Business

Election Committee Report (Ken Bailey)
As of December 19th, Secretary is still open; the President will “appoint” someone, if there are no nominations for Secretary
No opposition to the other positions
Survey Monkey – will have to set it up again, because the login information has been lost
Election must happen between the December and January Meetings
Nominations close at the end of the meeting
New Nominations
Kevin Zachary volunteered to be Secretary
Ben Tobin nominated Christian DeCelle for Member – At – Large. Christian accepted
No further nominations
President – Sean Vanderhoff
Vice President – Bob Roth
Secretary – Kevin Zachary
Treasurer – Julie Roush
Members – At – Large
Christian DeCelle
Pat Kambesis
Sarah Arpin
Data Committee – Christian DeCelle

Updated database to KSNPC – KY State Natural Preserve
Bob requested that the Memorandum of Understanding be sent to him

New Business

Physical Data Assessment (Ben Tobin)
Ben sent an email to the Board concerning storage of the paper files, which are currently stored at MMRB at University of Kentucky, and their current status.
Long – term archiving options that need to be decided upon
Ben Tobin – Keep at KGS – have “paper meetings” to get data organized
Have interns scan the data
Have “cavers” decide what is important
Bob Roth recommended Frankfort, since it is the Capitol, and central to Board members
Access to the data is important, and should be kept in Kentucky
Pat Kambesis – recommended moving the data to CRF
Christian DeCelle suggested that we contact Gordon Smith (Life Member), National Cave Museum at Diamond Caverns.
Dispose of paper files, after they are digitized

Ken Bailey motioned that the meeting be adjourned, and Christian DeCelle seconded it. The motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.

The nominations are closed. Kevin Zachary made a motion to accept the slate, and Howard Kalnitz seconded the motion. The motion carried.

The vote was by acclamation, and the “ayes” have it. There was no one opposed.

President – Sean Vanderhoff
Vice President – Bob Roth
Secretary – Kevin Zachary
Treasurer – Julie Roush
Members – At – Large
Pat Kambesis
Sarah Arpin
Christian DeCelle

Next meeting is January 18th at 7:00 pm EST.

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